

目前顯示的是 4月, 2021的文章


 OCR Application Example1: for SMD idenfication : Text detect by CRAFT   OCR文字偵測 原始照片為網路上下載,再套上OCR文字偵測顯示結果,若有侵權請告知移除 彩色區域為偵測到文字的部份 Output 10 coordinates of corresponding text blocks 1.  144,196,286,194,287,259,145,261 2.  298,198,509,196,509,259,298,262 3.  148,262,286,262,286,321,148,321 4.  368,266,513,264,513,321,369,323 5.  145,331,472,333,471,395,145,393 6.  146,404,445,404,445,454,146,454 7.  146,453,512,453,512,502,146,502 8.  147,502,481,499,481,551,148,553 9.  148,550,614,550,614,600,148,600 10.513,600,714,600,714,648,513,648  After image pre-processing:    OCR result1:   After image pre-processing:  OCR result2:     Example2: for datasheet interpretation : Text detect of TI datasheet by CRAFT OCR results: ([[75, 11], [127, 11], [127, 31], [75, 31]], 'TEXAS', 0.999188403930061) ([[474, 4], [928, 4], [928, 32], [474, 32]], 'PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION', 0.6743955072876302) ([[77, 29],...