

 OCR Application

Example1: for SMD idenfication:

Text detect by CRAFT




Output 10 coordinates of corresponding text blocks

1.  144,196,286,194,287,259,145,261
2.  298,198,509,196,509,259,298,262
3.  148,262,286,262,286,321,148,321
4.  368,266,513,264,513,321,369,323
5.  145,331,472,333,471,395,145,393
6.  146,404,445,404,445,454,146,454
7.  146,453,512,453,512,502,146,502
8.  147,502,481,499,481,551,148,553
9.  148,550,614,550,614,600,148,600

 After image pre-processing:


 OCR result1:

  After image pre-processing:

 OCR result2:



Example2: for datasheet interpretation:

Text detect of TI datasheet by CRAFT

OCR results:

([[75, 11], [127, 11], [127, 31], [75, 31]], 'TEXAS', 0.999188403930061)
([[474, 4], [928, 4], [928, 32], [474, 32]], 'PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION', 0.6743955072876302)
([[77, 29], [189, 29], [189, 47], [77, 47]], 'INSTRUMENTS', 0.9648384864438728)
([[37, 69], [105, 69], [105, 83], [37, 83]], 'WWM Ii.com', 0.2591723778552562)
([[851, 67], [927, 67], [927, 83], [851, 83]], '17-Dec-2020', 0.9694632061866851)
([[36, 116], [334, 116], [334, 140], [36, 140]], 'TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION', 0.9635275648694305)
([[77, 153], [209, 153], [209, 173], [77, 173]], 'REEL DIMENSIONS', 0.9998498148196943)
([[519, 153], [649, 153], [649, 171], [519, 171]], 'TAPE DIMENSIONS', 0.9997295073411925)
([[501, 177], [523, 177], [523, 193], [501, 193]], 'KO', 0.5158395828404266)
([[547, 177], [575, 177], [575, 193], [547, 193]], 'P1', 0.9455686092981291)
([[277, 265], [311, 265], [311, 281], [277, 281]], 'Reel', 0.7803041934967041)
([[263, 281], [325, 281], [325, 297], [263, 297]], 'Diameter', 0.9999848270868563)
([[482, 292], [525, 292], [525, 311], [482, 311]], 'Cavity', 0.9210923809942128)
([[575, 291], [597, 291], [597, 309], [575, 309]], 'AO', 0.6634183015102135)
([[411, 321], [777, 321], [777, 337], [411, 337]], 'Dimension designed t0 accommodate the component width', 0.867950833608363)
([[411, 337], [783, 337], [783, 355], [411, 355]], 'Dimension designed t0 accommodate the component lenglh', 0.5326388348994303)
([[410, 354], [803, 354], [803, 372], [410, 372]], 'Dimension designed to accommodate the component thickness', 0.833407196857614)
([[411, 373], [607, 373], [607, 387], [411, 387]], 'Overall width of the carrier lape', 0.8950718833069984)
([[411, 391], [661, 391], [661, 405], [411, 405]], 'Pitch between successive cavity centers', 0.8034738021947719)
([[273, 435], [379, 435], [379, 453], [273, 453]], 'Reel Width (W1)', 0.46326035723651526)
([[211, 453], [461, 453], [461, 473], [211, 473]], 'QUADRANT ASSIGNMENTS FOR PIN', 0.9963498234249092)
([[473, 457], [627, 457], [627, 473], [473, 473]], 'ORIENTATION IN TAPE', 0.9946526883413003)
([[579, 485], [677, 485], [677, 501], [579, 501]], 'Sprocket Holes', 0.8864782738301257)
([[359, 537], [381, 537], [381, 551], [359, 551]], '02', 0.79855056080002)
([[419, 573], [441, 573], [441, 589], [419, 589]], '03', 0.9665244876000211)
([[455, 573], [477, 573], [477, 587], [455, 587]], '04', 0.7811954083920432)
([[557, 571], [699, 571], [699, 587], [557, 587]], 'User Direction of Feed', 0.7642206626169022)
([[371, 635], [487, 635], [487, 651], [371, 651]], 'Pocket Quadrants', 0.9271827968630615)
([[43, 673], [199, 673], [199, 687], [43, 687]], 'All dimensions are nomina', 0.9420986204801013)
([[101, 695], [149, 695], [149, 711], [101, 711]], 'Device', 0.9991779633515514)
([[210, 693], [333, 693], [333, 713], [210, 713]], 'Package |Package', 0.7039944657559438)
([[341, 695], [371, 695], [371, 711], [341, 711]], 'Pins', 0.9980747103691101)
([[391, 695], [423, 695], [423, 711], [391, 711]], 'SPQ', 0.9748639491626118)
([[455, 695], [487, 695], [487, 711], [455, 711]], 'Reel', 0.9999948740005493)
([[519, 695], [547, 695], [547, 711], [519, 711]], 'Reel', 0.8327087175396152)
([[581, 695], [603, 695], [603, 711], [581, 711]], 'Ao', 0.43958669404583417)
([[679, 695], [701, 695], [701, 711], [679, 711]], 'Ko', 0.7125325255699436)
([[831, 695], [861, 695], [861, 711], [831, 711]], 'Pinl', 0.9302820563316345)
([[221, 709], [257, 709], [257, 729], [221, 729]], 'Type', 0.9999449253082275)
([[274, 709], [333, 709], [333, 729], [274, 729]], 'Drawing', 0.6588587928000398)
([[441, 711], [503, 711], [503, 727], [441, 727]], 'Diameter]', 0.4454272609469556)
([[515, 711], [555, 711], [555, 727], [515, 727]], 'Width', 0.876041768773338)
([[573, 711], [609, 711], [609, 727], [573, 727]], '(mm)', 0.8557351242820257)
([[623, 713], [659, 713], [659, 727], [623, 727]], '(mm)', 0.9461450576782227)
([[671, 711], [707, 711], [707, 727], [671, 727]], '(mm)', 0.9999163746833801)
([[719, 711], [757, 711], [757, 727], [719, 727]], '(mm)', 0.8036057401622272)
([[769, 711], [807, 711], [807, 727], [769, 727]], '(mm)', 0.9989970922470093)
([[815, 711], [879, 711], [879, 727], [815, 727]], 'Quadrant', 0.8622102239886623)
([[453, 727], [489, 727], [489, 741], [453, 741]], '(mm)', 0.9924454092979431)
([[503, 727], [565, 727], [565, 741], [503, 741]], 'WI (mm)', 0.7676227538381624)
([[74, 746], [172, 746], [172, 762], [74, 762]], 'CD40192BNSR', 0.9991243569694064)
([[229, 749], [251, 749], [251, 763], [229, 763]], 'SO', 0.6288756878957342)
([[293, 747], [315, 747], [315, 763], [293, 763]], 'NS', 0.9976763085484702)
([[389, 749], [425, 749], [425, 763], [389, 763]], '2000', 0.999133825302124)
([[451, 749], [489, 749], [489, 763], [451, 763]], '330.0', 0.9975234746438764)
([[519, 749], [549, 749], [549, 763], [519, 763]], '16.4', 0.9038805773204304)
([[579, 749], [603, 749], [603, 763], [579, 763]], '8.2', 0.9994752927169485)
([[625, 747], [655, 747], [655, 763], [625, 763]], '10.5', 0.958955619982524)
([[677, 749], [701, 749], [701, 763], [677, 763]], '2.5', 0.9993891985480049)
([[723, 749], [753, 749], [753, 763], [723, 763]], '12.0', 0.9999243021011353)
([[773, 749], [803, 749], [803, 763], [773, 763]], '16.0', 0.9998359680175781)
([[75, 771], [173, 771], [173, 787], [75, 787]], 'CD40193BNSR', 0.9757049564359923)
([[229, 771], [251, 771], [251, 787], [229, 787]], 'SO', 0.43406229753678177)
([[293, 771], [315, 771], [315, 787], [293, 787]], 'NS', 0.9958551861943805)
([[343, 769], [365, 769], [365, 787], [343, 787]], '16', 0.9999985670074514)
([[389, 771], [425, 771], [425, 787], [389, 787]], '2000', 0.9932358860969543)
([[451, 771], [491, 771], [491, 787], [451, 787]], '330.0', 0.9315210972130422)
([[519, 771], [549, 771], [549, 787], [519, 787]], '16.4', 0.8763715137176155)
([[579, 771], [603, 771], [603, 787], [579, 787]], '8.2', 0.9993097120080295)
([[625, 771], [655, 771], [655, 787], [625, 787]], '10.5', 0.9990535378456116)
([[677, 771], [701, 771], [701, 787], [677, 787]], '2.5', 0.9995574650566987)
([[723, 771], [755, 771], [755, 787], [723, 787]], '12.0', 0.9997783303260803)
([[771, 771], [803, 771], [803, 787], [771, 787]], '16.0', 0.9996285438537598)
([[73, 793], [175, 793], [175, 809], [73, 809]], 'CD40193BPWR', 0.7635567491218438)
([[213, 791], [265, 791], [265, 809], [213, 809]], 'TSSOP', 0.9993041963137763)
([[293, 795], [317, 795], [317, 809], [293, 809]], 'PW', 0.9953903140902491)
([[389, 793], [425, 793], [425, 809], [389, 809]], '2000', 0.9965981245040894)
([[451, 793], [491, 793], [491, 809], [451, 809]], '330.0', 0.9999706783410108)
([[519, 793], [549, 793], [549, 809], [519, 809]], '12.4', 0.7921676598867475)
([[579, 795], [603, 795], [603, 809], [579, 809]], '6.9', 0.9979926986551102)
([[627, 793], [653, 793], [653, 811], [627, 811]], '5.6', 0.9427584567925367)
([[677, 793], [701, 793], [701, 809], [677, 809]], '1.6', 0.9420010899908803)
([[727, 795], [751, 795], [751, 809], [727, 809]], '8.0', 0.9992801198328968)
([[773, 793], [803, 793], [803, 809], [773, 809]], '12.0', 0.7524788050885077)

M​ore examples:




Preliminary training: deepracer-github-simapp.tar.gz Reward function: ./opt/install/sagemaker_rl_agent/lib/python3.5/site-packages/markov/environments/deepracer_env.py action = [steering_angle, throttle] TRAINING_IMAGE_SIZE = (160, 120) Plotted waypoints in vertices array of hard track Parameters: on_track, x, y, distance_from_center, car_orientation, progress, steps,                                                                          throttle, steering, track_width, waypoints, closest_waypoints Note: Above picture is from https://yanpanlau.github.io/2016/10/11/Torcs-Keras.html