


"Curly Braces" are used in Python to define a dictionary. A dictionary is a data structure that maps one value to another - kind of like how an English dictionary maps a word to its definition.

dict = {
    "a" : "Apple",
    "b" : "Banana",

They are also used to format strings, instead of the old C style using %, like:

ds = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
x = ['has_{} 1'.format(d) for d in ds]

print x

['has_a 1', 'has_b 1', 'has_c 1', 'has_d 1']




Preliminary training: deepracer-github-simapp.tar.gz Reward function: ./opt/install/sagemaker_rl_agent/lib/python3.5/site-packages/markov/environments/deepracer_env.py action = [steering_angle, throttle] TRAINING_IMAGE_SIZE = (160, 120) Plotted waypoints in vertices array of hard track Parameters: on_track, x, y, distance_from_center, car_orientation, progress, steps,                                                                          throttle, steering, track_width, waypoints, closest_waypoints Note: Above picture is from https://yanpanlau.github.io/2016/10/11/Torcs-Keras.html


   迴力球遊戲-ATARI     賽車遊戲DQN-ATARI 賽車遊戲-TORCS Ref:     李宏毅老師 YOUTUBE DRL 1-3 On-policy VS Off-policy On-policy     The agent learned and the agent interacting with the environment is the same     阿光自已下棋學習 Off-policy     The agent learned and the agent interacting with the environment is different     佐助下棋,阿光在旁邊看 Add a baseline:     It is possible that R is always positive     So R subtract a expectation value Policy in " Policy Gradient" means output action, like left/right/fire gamma-discounted rewards: 時間愈遠的貢獻,降低其權重 Reward Function & Action is defined in prior to training MC v.s. TD MC 蒙弟卡羅: critic after episode end : larger variance(cuz conditions differ a lot in every episode), unbiased (judge until episode end, more fair) TD: Temporal-difference approach: critic during episode :smaller variance, biased maybe atari : a3c  ...